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Dj Stenting


Ureteric or Double-J (DJ) stenting is a basic urology procedure that removes the blockage in the kidneys, ureters, or bladder in our bodies. A ureter is a thin tube that carries urine produced in the kidneys to the urinary bladder. A stent is either made of plastic or metal wire mesh that is expandable. It is a minimally invasive procedure (MIP) that helps with stone (calculi) drainage into the bladder and eventually out of the body via urination. A stent is placed such that its curved upper-end is in the kidney, and the curved lower-end is in the bladder. The passageway clears obstructions present in the excretory system. Blocks can occur due to calculi deposits, urine obstruction, or other urological conditions.

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Why Opt for Dj Stenting?
  • Urologists recommend stenting when patients have been experiencing long-term renal issues.
  • Chronic urinary infections can lead to urine output obstruction. The accumulation of urine may cause crystal deposits in the bladder that, in turn, block the urine passage.
  • Removing calculi or bladder stones, followed by stenting, can naturally cure urine obstruction and stone problems.
What are the Preoperative Care in DJ Stenting?
  • If you are undergoing a DJ-stenting procedure, keep these points in mind:
  • If you have a medical history of heart problems, it is best to consult your cardiologist for medication information.
  • Consult your urologist for heart-related medication. If you are on anticoagulants or have cardiovascular stenting, the surgeon may choose different medicines during the surgery.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol, caffeine, or cigarettes (if applicable) before the stenting procedure.
  • The hospital staff will check your vital functions such as blood pressure, pulse rate, and urine output.
  • Complete blood count, serum creatinine level, and other renal function tests report analysis are critical before you undergo stenting.
  • The doctor may inject Intravenous (IV) lines for medication and anesthesia.
  • ● Consume healthy food. The doctor may ask you to avoid eating at least 8 hours before the surgery.
  • Adhere to the medication (if any) before stenting.
  • Pubic hair shaving helps locate the surgical area with ease.
What are the Procedure Performing in Dj Stenting?
  • The patient is allowed to rest well before the surgical procedure. General or local anesthesia puts the patient to sleep or numbs the surgical area and the abdomen.
  • A sterile medical solution is used to clean the surgical area.
  • The surgeon inserts a small optic camera through the urethral opening into the urinary bladder.
  • Through the camera, the doctor inspects the condition of the bladder and the ureters. The camera produces real-time images on the display screen.
  • The urologist places the stent in the area required and ends the procedure. The stent opens the passageway from the kidney to the bladder and helps in urine drainage.
  • If any small calculi are present, they will pass into the bladder.
  • Small stones, blocked urine, a mass of cells or tissues clear out after stenting. Stone clearance depends on its size.
What are the Risks Involved in DJ Stenting?

Every surgical procedure has its risks and complications. The possible risk includes:


  • Urinary infection
  • Injury to the nearby tissues or nerves
  • Kidney injury and prolonged bleeding
  • High fever
  • Chronic pain in the lower abdomen regio
What are the Results And Post-surgical Care Associated with DJ Stenting?
  • The stenting procedure takes around 45 to 60 minutes.
  • You may observe slight bleeding from the urethra or during urination for three to five days.
  • Patients are usually allowed to go home on the same day after the anesthesia wears off. However, they may be under observation for five to six hours after the surgery.
  • You might feel slight discomfort or burning sensation while urinating for one or two days.
  • Follow the antibiotics, painkillers, and other medication prescribed.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, or smoking as they may trigger complications or act as irritants.
  • Eat a balanced diet. Drink at least 2 to 2.5 liters of water every day to flush out toxins and maintain body pH.
  • Rest as much as you can.
  • Avoid physical stress such as intense exercise or sex that can result in lower body stress. If you experience chronic lower abdominal pain, prolonged discomfort, high fever after a few days of surgery, consult your urologist immediately for medical attention. Do not self-medicate at any cost.
What are the Stent Removal Procedure Involved in Dj Stenting?

After the stenting procedure, the stent will stay in the body for the recommended time. Stent removal takes place via the same procedure through cystoscopy. The surgeon locates the stent using the display screen and extracts it using endoscopic forceps. Retaining the stent in the body for a prolonged period can cause intense discomfort, pain, fever, or lumbago (lower back pain due to tissue or muscle injury). The patient should be under doctor’s observation for a few hours after the stent removal procedure.

What is Cost Of The Procedure in DJ Stenting?

The average price of a renal stenting surgical procedure in India is 25000 INR. The cost may vary, depending on the hospital stay charge, OT charges, and medication. Stent removal is a separate procedure that results in additional charges. Patient(s) can claim health insurance for such procedures.

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Does DJ Stenting Cure the Stone Problem?

To some extent, yes. Stone problems depend on the size, type, and position of the stones. Minute stones enter the bladder after stenting and pass during urination. Consult your urologist for an accurate diagnosis of the problem.

Will Stenting Complicate Intercourse?

DJ stenting can cause temporary sexual dysfunction for a few months or painful erection in men. It is best to consult your doctor for suggestions.

Is Blood In The Urine Normal After The Stenting Procedure?

Yes, slightly bloody urine is frequent in the first week post-surgery. If you observe a high amount of blood, consult your urologist immediately.

Will I Experience Pain After Stent Removal Too?

Yes. Sharp pain in the genitals or slight discomfort usually subsides after a few hours post-surgery.

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