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Kidney Stones


Out of India’s total population, around 12 per cent suffer from kidney stones. Of this 12 per cent, 50 per cent suffer from kidney damage.

Kidney stone is a painful disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated on time. Obesity, an unhealthy diet and lifestyle are some significant factors responsible for kidney stones.

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What is Kidney Stones?

Under the ribs, behind the abdomen, a pair of small bean-shaped organs is present, called the kidneys. The function of the kidney is to filter blood. When there is a solid, stone-like residual formation in the kidney, it is called a Kidney stone.

Kidney stones can range in size, from a grain of sand to the size of a golf ball. These stones can also be excreted through urine.

What Causes Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are formed when a high amount of calcium, oxalate, or uric acid is present in our urine. If our urine lacks the substances that can prevent these crystals from sticking together, then they join together and form solid residues within the kidney.

There is no definite cause of kidney stones. Some factors increase the risk of Kidney stones like heredity, diet, some specific medicines, etc.

What are the Symptoms of Kidney Stones?

Often, there are no signs and symptoms of Kidney stones. Symptoms appear when the stones move inside the kidney or pass through the urinary tract, or get stuck in the urethra.


When this happens, the urinary tract gets blocked and swells from the high pressure in the kidneys.

Kidney stone may produce these symptoms:

  • Severe pain under the ribs and behind the abdomen
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and waist
  • Sudden bursts of pain
  • Pain or a burning sensation during urination

Other common symptoms of Kidney stones are:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Less urination
  • Bad smelling urine
  • Brown, pink, or red-coloured urine
  • Frequent urination
  • Fever or chills due to kidney infection
How is Kidney Stones Diagnosed?

After evaluating the symptoms of the patient, if the doctor suspects a kidney stone, then these tests may be recommended:


  • Blood tests: A blood test can detect the amounts of calcium or uric acid present in the blood. Also, it can detect the health of the kidneys.
  • Urine tests: The patient’s urine is collected and tested in the lab. Through this test, the presence of stones in your urine or substances that can dilute the urine can be detected.
  • Imaging test: The image of kidney stones can be created with the help of these imaging tests:
  1. Small-size stones can be seen with the help of CT (computerised tomography).
  2. Stomach X-rays can also be carried out.
  3. An abdominal ultrasound is a non-invasive test to detect kidney stones. Imaging tests are helpful in accurately diagnosing kidney stones.
  • Diagnosis of passed stones: The stones present in the patient’s urine are collected and tested in the lab. This reveals the real cause of kidney stones so they can be prevented easily.
How is Kidney Stones Treated?

Kidney stones are treated depending on their size and type. These methods can treat small size Kidney stones:


  • Drinking ample amounts of water: Drinking gallons of water can help you excrete the stones through urination. Also, drinking large amounts of water dilutes your urine, preventing Kidney stones from forming.
  • Painkiller: Removing small-sized stones through urine may feel painful. To relieve pain, the doctor may recommend you some painkillers.

A large-size Kidney stone can be treated through the following methods:

  • ● Lithotripsy: Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is the process of breaking large-size stones using sound waves.

The sound wave sends a strong vibration over the stone, causing the stone to break into many small pieces. These little pieces come out of the body through urine. This process takes about an hour. The patient may also experience pain and hence is subjected to anaesthesia.

ESWL can cause bleeding with urine. Besides, the patient may experience bleeding or discomfort in the kidney, the organs around the kidney, and the urinary tract.

  • Surgery: Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is the surgical treatment of kidney stones in which the stones are removed with the help of a telescope and surgical tools.

First, the patient is given anaesthesia and then operated upon by making incisions in the lower back. After surgery, you have to stay in the hospital for two-three days. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is done when the treatment through ESWL is not possible.

  • Ureteroscopy: A thin device with a camera (ureteroscope) is used to remove stones from the bladder or kidney. The stone is divided into pieces, and these pieces come out through the urine. A stent (a small tube) can be placed in the ureter to reduce swelling and pain. The procedure is performed with general or local anaesthesia.
What are the Result Associated with Kidney stones?

After the successful surgical treatment of Kidney stones, the likelihood of its recurrence decreases. If surgical treatment is not performed, kidney stones may soon recur.

What are the Risk Associated with Kidney stones Treatment?

The surgical treatment of Kidney stones may carry the following risks:


  • Bleeding while urinating
  • Damage to the kidneys, bladder, bowel, ureter, or liver
  • Infection in the urinary tract or the kidneys

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What are Silent Kidney Stones?

Stones that do not show symptoms are silent Kidney Stones. These stones can be diagnosed through imaging tests.

What Happens if a Kidney Stone is Left Untreated?

Leaving Kidney Stones untreated can cause unbearable pain and swelling. Besides, the patient may suffer from kidney failure, which is a life-threatening condition.

How Long Does it Take to Recover After the Surgical Treatment of Kidney Stones?

After the surgical treatment of Kidney Stones, it may take 2-3 weeks to recover. During this time, you should not lift weights and should not be intoxicated.

Is a Home Remedy for Kidney Stones Possible?

If you experience any or some of the symptoms of Kidney Stones, get them checked at the earliest. If the stones are small, then they can be removed by consuming plenty of water. Do not treat yourself, and make sure you follow the doctor’s advice.

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