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Multiple System Atrophy


Multiple System Atrophy is a neurodegenerative disorder that occurs rarely. It is associated with autonomic dysfunction, tremors, slow movement, muscle rigidity, postural instability, and ataxia. This dysfunction affects the body’s involuntary movements, including blood pressure, breathing, bladder function, and motor control. It is called Shy-Drager syndrome, olivopontocerebellar atrophy, or striatonigral degeneration. Multiple system atrophy seems to have many symptoms similar to Parkinson’s, such as slow-movement, rigid muscles, and poor balance.

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What Causes Multiple System Atrophy?

Multiple System Atrophy occurs because of environmental toxin accumulation. It causes brain shrinkage in certain portions of your brain (the cerebellum, basal ganglia, and brainstem). These brain areas are responsible for regulating internal body function, digestion, and motor control.


The neurons seen under a microscope seem to have an abnormal protein alpha-synuclein. Studies reported that this protein is overexpressed in Multiple System Atrophy.

What are the Symptoms of Multiple System Atrophy?

Multiple System Atrophy affects many parts of your body. Symptoms are likely to develop at the age of 50 or 60. Multiple system atrophy is of two types, namely, Parkinsonian and cerebellar. The type is identified at the time of diagnosis.


The Parkinsonian type:

The symptoms are similar to those present in Parkinson’s, such as:

  • Muscle rigidity
  • Difficulty while bending your hands and feet
  • Movement slow (bradykinesia)
  • Tremors occur rarely compared to the symptoms seen in classic Parkinson’s disease
  • Posture and balance problems

The cerebellar type:

Here, muscular coordination is the primary issue. However, other symptoms may include:

  • Movement impairment and coordination, like unsteady gait and loss of balance.
  • Slow, slurred speech or low-volume speech.
  • Blurred and double vision, difficulty focusing, symptoms related to visual disturbances.
  • Difficulty chewing or swallowing (dysphagia).
  • ● Postural hypotension, a type of low blood pressure that causes dizziness and lightheadedness or fainting while sitting, standing up, or lying down.
  • Multiple system atrophy may cause autonomic body functions, including:

Urinary and bowel dysfunction

  • Constipation
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control

Sweating symptoms

  • Decreased production of saliva, sweat, or tears
  • Unable to tolerate heat because of reduced sweating
  • Body temperature control impairment causing cold hands and feet
How is Multiple System Atrophy Diagnosed?

There may be some ambiguity in diagnosing Multiple System Atrophy. Some of the symptoms include rigid muscles and an unsteady gait. As they occur in combination in Parkinson’s disease too, diagnosing this disease is challenging. Autonomic and imaging studies, as part of a clinical examination, help your physician detect the disease.


If the physician suspects Multiple System Atrophy, a series of tests are performed like physical examination, blood tests, and brain imaging tests such as MRI. These tests show the possibility of your symptoms being related to Multiple System Atrophy.

Tilt table test

In case you have blood pressure symptoms, you are placed on a table and tilted at a 70-degree angle. Your blood pressure and heart rate are monitored during this test. The physician documents any irregular blood pressure with every change in physical position.

Tests for autonomic function

  • Blood pressure measured while standing and lying down.
  • A sweat test to study perspiration.
  • Assessing bladder and bowel function.
  • An electrocardiogram to detect the electrical signals of your heart.
How is Multiple System Atrophy Treated?

The condition cannot be cured; however, it can be treated to improve body functions.


  • Medications for blood pressure: Corticosteroid fludrocortisone, in combination with other medicines, amplifies your blood pressure, retaining water and salt.
  • Medications to control Parkinson-like symptoms: Specific medications like levodopa and carbidopa effectively treat Parkinson’s disease like stiffness, balance problems, and slow movements. These medications improve a patient’s movements entirely.
  • Managing breathing and swallowing difficulties: If you face swallowing or breathing difficulties, you will be surgically fed through a catheter inserted to drain your bladder.
  • Therapy: As the disease progresses, a physical therapist can help maintain muscular functions and motor and muscle capacity. Speech therapists will improve your speech function.
What are the Result Associated with Multiple System Atrophy?

The outcome is positive and focuses on mental and emotional well-being. Over-the-counter medications can relieve your symptoms.

What are the Risk Associated with Multiple System Atrophy Treatment?

For bradycardia, pacemakers are efficient. However, tracheostomy is performed in case of respiratory issues, especially in case of severe dysphagia. Surgical complications include injury to the blood vessels of the heart while operating.

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What Diet do you Need to Follow if you have Multiple System Atrophy?

You should consume food with adequate salt because salt and fluids will increase blood volume and blood pressure. Drinking coffee also performs the same function. Also, consume lots of fibre to prevent constipation and eat small portions of low-carbohydrate foods.

How do you Manage Multiple System Atrophy?

You should sleep in a position where your head is elevated by at least 4 to 6 inches. This increases blood pressure while sleeping.

What can you do to Control Multiple System Atrophy?

You should refrain from getting too hot, stay in air-conditioned rooms, not use very hot water in bathrooms, and wear elastic stockings to prevent a blood pressure drop.

Is Fementia a Part of Multiple System Atrophy?

Although dementia is not a part of Multiple System Atrophy, there may be some cognitive and behavioural issues, paranoia, and confusion because of autonomic nervous dysfunction.

Does Palliative Care Manage Multiple System Atrophy?

Palliative care helps improve the quality of life in patients with Multiple System Atrophy. It focuses on relieving pain, stress, and other symptoms that diminish a patient’s health. Palliative care involves receiving support from specialist nurses, physicians, and hospices.

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