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Peyronie’s Disease


Certain medical situations affect you physically and leave a very adverse impact on your mental health. Deformities in reproductive organs are one such set of medical problems which leads to lower self-esteem. It often hampers a person’s ability to give birth to offspring. But, the advances in medical science have made the incurable, curable. All you need to do is to set aside all the stigmas and gather the courage to visit a doctor as soon as you feel discomfort in your sexual life.

Peyronie’s Disease is associated with the malfunctioning of the penis, which is a male reproductive organ. A scar tissue called plaque develops beneath the skin of the penis and leads to difficulty in having sexual intercourse. The penis often gets curved, and men have to deal with painful erections. In extreme situations, men find it almost impossible to maintain an erection during the entire spell of intercourse. Therefore, Peyronie’s Disease is also seen as a sort of Erectile Dysfunction. It is more common in aged men but can affect boys of younger age as well.

There are two stages of Peyronie’s Disease. During the acute phase, you may begin to feel stiffening or pain during erections; this is the stage when the formation of plaque is going on. In the chronic stage, the formation of plaque is completed, and the penis gets a bent shape.

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What Causes Peyronie’s Disease?

Peyronie’s Disease causes are not fully understood, but some of the causes lie in answer to why scar tissues develop in the penis.  After any physical injury to the penis, the healing process can lead to scar tissue accumulation, preventing the penis from getting erect. Some of the causes that can lead to curvature of the penis due to scar tissues include:


  • ● Vigorous sexual intercourse
  • ● Genetic factors
  • ● It is also seen as a side effect of medication.
  • ● Deficiency of vitamin E
  • ● An increase in Serotonin levels destabilizes the mood and feeling of happiness, which further impacts erection.
What are the Symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease?

Painful sexual intercourse or inability to perform sex is a siren for impending Peyronie’s Disease. Other symptoms which you might notice are:


  • ● You can feel the presence of plaques through the skin of the penis. Usually, it is seen in the dorsal side but can develop at the bottom too. In severe situations, it can become as hard as calcium.
  • ● The penis acquires an ambiguous curvature.
  • ● Shortening of penis
  • ● Scarring in other parts of the body, such as in fingers, also indicates the possibility of having Peyronie’s Disease at some stage of life.
How is Peyronie’s Disease Diagnosed?

For the doctor, a physical examination is enough for getting an idea about the presence of plaque. To trace the exact location of these scar tissues, the doctor might inject medicine to cause an erection and then diagnose the cause behind pain in the penis at a particular location. If the plaque has hardened, ultrasonography can better picture the plaque and blood flow in the penis. If the doctor finds it extremely difficult to diagnose Peyronie’s Disease through these methods, a biopsy can be done.

How is Peyronie’s Disease Treated?

Mild cases of Peyronie’s Disease do not need medical intervention, and the plaque vanishes independently. The doctor will not go for surgical treatment if the pain is not very severe and can even ask you to wait for a few months. Treatment may include the following methods:


  • Non-Surgical methods: Penile injections, few medicines, shockwave therapy, therapy to stretch the penis are given to help break plaque buildup and ease erection.
  • Surgical methods: This involves altering the tissues of the opposite side of the penis where plaque has built up. This altering acts as a counter to the bending phenomenon of the penis. Surgery can remove the plaques permanently. In extreme situations where men cannot get an erection after all non-surgical interventions, a prosthetic device is placed inside the penis to keep it erect.
What are the Result Associated with Peyronie’s Disease?

In most people, Peyronie’s Disease will not require any treatment, and the plaque will subside on its own. But, if surgery is done to remove scar tissues, Peyronie’s Disease is unlikely to trouble you again shortly. You can have a healthy sexual life and even embrace parenthood. Remember not to engage in sex for at least six weeks after undergoing surgery and resume the normal sex life after the doctor’s advice.

What are the Risk Associated with Peyronie’s Disease Treatment?

Surgical treatments are not void of complications, and the same is the case with Peyronie’s Disease. Erection problems can persist even after medical treatment. Also, the surgery carries a risk of infections with it. In some cases, the size of the penis becomes significantly shorter after the treatment. Due to these risks associated with surgery, doctors go for surgery only in the most severe cases where sexual intercourse is a lie to the patient.

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Can Peyronie’s Disease Lead to Cancer?

Peyronie’s Disease is non-cancerous in itself. However, the plaque cells can get transported to other parts of the body and act as non-dying adamant troubling cells, and similar situations can occur elsewhere. However, the situation is not comparable to cancer.

Can Peyronie’s Disease be Treated by Making Changes to Lifestyle and Dietary Habits?

Tobacco, cigarette smoking, and alcohol are known to cause damage to sperm cells and even prevent erection. Therefore, stop consumption of these products at the earliest. Diet rich in vitamin E is considered helpful in curing Peyronie’s Disease.

Can I Inherit Peyronie’s Disease from My Parents?

Yes, Peyronie’s Disease is inheritable and genetic factors play an important role in its occurrence.

Can Stretching Help in Curing Peyronie’s Disease?

Stretching the penis at least thrice a day for six months straightly is hailed as an effective therapy for moderate cases of Peyronie’s Disease.

How can I Avoid Peyronie’s Disease?

On your part, you can try to keep the penis away from injuries.

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