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Septate Uterus


Septate uterus is the most common malformation of the uterus. It is a congenital condition, meaning you are born with an abnormal uterine structure.

By itself, the condition poses no risk to your health. The uterine malformation does not affect your ability to conceive. However, it can interfere with pregnancy. It is easily treatable with a uterine septum removal surgery.

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What is Septate Uterus?

The development of the uterus occurs within the mother’s womb. Typically, during the fetal development of the uterus, two embryonic tubes merge to form a single entity.


In the Septate uterus, the embryonic tubes do not fuse. The membrane called the septum divides the inner chamber of the uterus into two segments. The membrane can be either thick or thin. The membrane consists of bands of tissue – fibrous and muscular.

Septate uterus can put you at risk of miscarriages. The main reason for miscarriages is the lack of adequate support to the fetus and space for the fetus to grow.

Many get confused with a Septate uterus and misdiagnose it as a bicornuate uterus. In a bicornuate uterus, the shape of the uterus becomes like that of a heart. The upper portion of the uterus lowers towards the midline.

Although rare, a Septate uterus can develop together with a bicornuate uterus.

What Causes Septate Uterus?

There is no clarity in research regarding the actual cause of a Septate uterus. As the malformation develops during fetal development, experts believe genetics may play a role. An abnormal expression of the genes can prevent the embryonic tubes from fusing completely.

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Septate uterus does not interfere with your life. You may still have a regular menstrual cycle and enjoy healthy sex life. It only presents itself when you get pregnant.


The only sign of a Septate uterus is a miscarriage or recurrent miscarriages.

If you have any of the following signs of miscarriage, you should consult your doctor immediately:

  • Spotting
  • Bleeding from your vagina
  • Fluid or tissue discharge from your vagina
  • Abdominal or low back pain
  • Severe cramps in the lower abdomen and pelvic region
How is Septate Uterus Diagnosed?

Often, the diagnosis of a Septate uterus is following investigations to find the cause for the miscarriage. In some cases, a routine ultrasound scan during pregnancy can show the membrane dividing the uterine chamber.


If your doctor suspects a Septate uterus, they will perform a pelvic examination. Imaging scans such as a standard 2D pelvic ultrasound and an MRI can help confirm the diagnosis.

There are other tests you can get done to diagnose the malformation, like hysterosalpingogram and hysteroscopy. In a hysterosalpingogram, an X-ray gives an image of the inner uterus and fallopian tubes. A hysteroscopy is an invasive test. Inserting a camera probe into the vagina can identify any structural irregularities of the uterus.

There is ongoing research to determine the role of 3D ultrasound in the diagnosis of uterine abnormalities.

How is Septate Uterus Treated?

Treatment for uterine septum involves a surgery called a metroplasty. You will be under general anesthesia during the surgery. Currently, the surgery can occur as an outpatient procedure, so you will be able to go home the same day without any hospital stay.


The hysteroscopic procedure for uterine septum removal surgery requires small surgical incisions. A small camera probe along with specialized surgical tools can repair the uterine malformation. The technique is a minimally invasive procedure. The entire surgery requires not more than a couple of hours.

You can expect a full recovery within a couple of months. Some pain along the lower abdomen and pelvis is normal and resolves on its own.

What are the Result Associated with Septate Uterus?

Although uterine septum is not a serious health risk, it can affect your pregnancy and cause miscarriages. Surgery can increase your likelihood of carrying your child to term.


Recent advances in the surgical field have increased the outcomes for hysteroscopic removal of uterine malformations. Recurrent miscarriages are frequent in women with a Septate uterus. Following the surgery, more than half of these women are able to have a healthy pregnancy. About 20-30% of women with difficulties getting pregnant can conceive and carry to full term following this surgical treatment.

What are the Risk Associated with Septate Uterus Treatment?

The hysteroscopic approach of surgery for uterine septum has reduced the risk and improved the surgical outcomes. The uterine septal surgery does not increase your risk of developing complications such as early labor, low birth weight, or excessive bleeding.


In rare cases, there may be a risk of uterine rupture during labor and childbirth.

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Can a Septate Uterus be Fixed?

A surgery, metroplasty, can remove the septum to correct the uterine malformation.

How Rare is a Septate Uterus?

Septate Uterus is the most common malformation of the uterus and occurs in 3-7% of the population.

Can the Septate Uterus Cause Pain?

Septum Uterus is asymptomatic. You can only experience pain associated with miscarriage, not otherwise.

Can you have a Normal Pregnancy with a Septate Uterus?

Septate Uterus does not interfere with your ability to get pregnant. It can, however, increase the risk of miscarriage and recurrent miscarriages. Following surgery to correct the malformation, your chances of conceiving increase.

Is Uterine Septum Surgery Painful?

You may experience some pain in the lower abdomen and vagina after surgery to correct a uterine Septum. The pain usually disappears after a few days post-surgery. If the pain is severe or persists for long, you may need to consult your doctor.

How Long should I wait to get Pregnant after Septum Removal?

Specific time duration is unavailable. You will recover completely within a couple of months. You can try for pregnancy after that period.

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